Thursday, August 26, 2010

Start of My 3rd Year!!! :D

This year is off to a great start. It is definitely going to be a lot more stressful then my previous years at Vermont Tech., but it has certain perks that I have been enjoying. I really love the fact that I am a Resident Assistant this year even though it puts far more responsibility on my shoulders. I have always been someone who enjoys having a lot of stuff to do. It actually helps me stay focused on whatever work I am expected to complete, and I have actually found that when I only have a couple of things to do that I actually begin to slack off more.

Maybe it is something about having a checklist... all I know is that it really works for me. :P

In other news!

I really like the people who live on my floor in Morey. I know that it is still the beginning of the school year, and I also know that it would be foolish to not expect any future conflicts on my floor, but I have been getting great vibes from my residents. They are very well behaved, and the majority of them are very respectful freshmen. There have been a few different times where I had to stop hall sports (a violation of residence life policy), but so far everyone seems to be having a great time and they are not destroying stuff along the way.

Last year there was a special section of Morey known as "Man Hall" and it was given that evil name because the residents who lived in that section of the building were typically those who didn't bathe regularly. This year I ended up renaming it to "Geek Hall" because I saw that this year's residents are a very different group. They are all really cool people, they all socialize with one another, and they organize their own events even though they just barely met about a week ago. The hall was only name "Geek Hall" for a day or so though. Some of the residents came up with a better name. They suggested that it be renamed to "I.B.A Hall" or "Intellectual Badass Hall." I liked the sound of it so I used some window markers to write "I.B.A Hall" on the door window leading into the hallway.

Well, I have some stuff that I need to get done before I pass out for the night, so I am going to have to cut this post short.

The photo above is of a "rave" party that some residents of my floor set up all on their own. The president of the WVTC radio club lives on my floor, so they ended up setting up his equipment in the Morey conference room. It was a really fun time. I am not one to dance, and I don't really care for techno/electronica, but it was still cool to hang out down there.

Well, that is all for now, but hopefully I will have more to post by next week! :D

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Vacation Ending Quickly!

So, here it is nearing the final half hour of August 2nd, 2010. Including tomorrow I have 11 days left of my official vacation. I can honestly say that I have mixed thoughts though.

This past summer has been a whole lot of fun, which was nice, but nobody was hiring... at all. What few jobs there actually were ended up being scooped up by people who heard about them before anyone else. I live in Vershire, VT so I don't hear about jobs too often. This past summer I applied to 6 or 7 different places, and a couple of them let me know that while my resume and application did look impressive, they simply cannot hire anyone for a temporary summer job. They look at me, like my resume and job app, but then see that I am heading back to college in August.

Last summer I worked just over a month and a half painting houses with my uncle, Rick. It pays well, especially for how easy the job is, but it isn't anything I could ever be proud of beyond the simple fact of having a job at that given time. I want to be able to work the first week I am out of college, and stop working the week before I go back, but the opportunity simply hasn't presented itself. Every request for employment has simply been denied. I actually ended up doing my own thing during one week of summer. I hooked up a sound system for a great friend/instructor of mine, repaired a computer at a local childcare center, and even played guitar for pay. I averaged about $20 an hour while doing these three things, but I only worked for 5 hours.

This got me thinking. Next summer I am going to advertise my talents and hobbies. I am going to let people in my area know that I have the skills needed to fix their computers, and I will make sure that I am giving them a great deal on the service. I am obviously going to apply to as many business I can next summer to try and get a real job going, but I am already planning things that I could fall back on. I NEED to be able to work. If the jobs aren't there then it is still up to me to do what I can. I would much rather be working hard at a job then staying at home doing nothing all day.

The good thing is that I will be going back to college in 11 days to start my training as a Resident Assistant. As mentioned before, I am really looking forward to doing this. I am usually an extremely enthusiastic (some would also call this self-motivated) person when it comes to things that can push me forward. Yes, I know that there will likely be certain situations that get out of hand, but I would much rather go into the job smiling and hoping for the best. It is part of the preparation process. I have trained myself to get excited when it comes to accomplishing goals. I have always been a goal-oriented person, so getting excited about having a job as a Resident Assistant will make it more likely that I will be off to a great start.

This weekend I have a party at my house. It will be my last party of the summer before going back to Vermont Tech. I always enjoy seeing my friends. It is funny to say this, but I can't always be sure if the feeling is mutual towards me, but I try my best to make it so people will have fun.

In other news, I have been hanging out with a great friend of mine. Another great friend who, before recently, I haven't seen since 9th grade. He was in the Navy for a couple of years, and now he is interested in going to college. I introduced him to Vermont Tech., and thanks to their "Rolling Admissions" program in the fall he might actually be able to start as soon as this next semester. I really hope that he makes it in, and it will be really cool if he is able to start this next semester. I wrote him a recommendation letter and mailed it out earlier today. I have full confidence that Vermont Tech will accept him into the college, and in my mind it is just a matter of when he starts. The Navy is willing to pay for 80% of the costs, and the other 20% is something he is currently figuring out. I know he will do well there, and of course I will be there to help him out should he ever need or want it. :D

Well, that is it for now! This was a really long post so I probably post again until I am actually back at my college. I will be an RA, so hopefully that will give me more things to talk about!

(Nothing confidential/secret will be shared though, so don't even ask.)