The capacitors have a pretty cool effect. I think they give the motors more power. I noticed that even though each wheel has its own motor, I can turn one wheel and it will turn the wheel on the other side. It is really cool. I think that the capacitors hold a charge, and when I turn one of the wheels it releases the electricity to the charger board, and it then gets transferred to the other motor. If you are wondering what capacitors are, they are the orange, squarish looking things attached to the motors. If you look closely enough you should be able to point them out. I have 3 more boards to work on, and then I need to attach them to the robot car. I think that I might have the largest portion of the robot car complete.
In other news, I had a 1-hour exam in Expository Writing today, and quizzes in Fundamentals of Circuits and Digital Circuits. I am pretty sure that I did a really good job on all 3 of the tests, which is nice to know. The 1-hour exam that I had today was only the first part of the Expository Writing exam. I have the second 1-hour exam for the class on Friday, and I also have a Process Essay due that same day. My Expository Writing professor told us that after Thanksgiving break the work will slow down quite a bit.
My classes have been going really well so far. I really need to get my Technical Math grade back up to where it used to be, so I don't have to worry about it so much. I am passing the class, which is nice, but I would like to have at least an 85 in the class. We are currently on a unit that I have never covered before, so I have really been focusing on how everything works.
I meant to type this earlier, but I got distracted by a few different things (PS3, Laptop etc...).
I haven't been posting on the blog as much as I used to because I am running out of things to post. It is also quickly slipping into winter, so there isn't really anything to take a picture of outside...
It is almost 1:00 AM. I normally would not stay up this late, but I don't have my first class until 11:00 AM (later today). :-) I am going to get ready to pass out now...
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