Last week my Fundamentals of Circuits professor, professor Vandermark, asked everyone in my class if they would be interested in helping him pick some VTC apples to donate to the local food shelf. I decided that since I didn't have anything else going on I might as well lend a hand. There were 2 other students that showed up for the apple picking, so my professor, the other 2 students and I all picked apples from the various trees that are roughly behind my dorm building. It was a fun and easy way to help people out, so I had no problem devoting my time to it. If I remember correctly, we picked about 2-3 boxes of apples.
In other news, I got another essay back from my Expository Writing professor. I keep thinking to myself, "There is no way I did better than my last essay," and I am always wrong. I received a 98 on this essay. That means that I got an almost-perfect grade. It really won't surprise me if my next essay doesn't top this 98, but it will be interesting to see how it plays out. My professor told me that this essay was the, "Strongest essay [she's] read this semester..." My next essay is a called a Process essay. I am writing about how to properly string a guitar, and the different things to take into consideration. If I want to follow my pattern I will have to get at least a 99, or I will have to get a 100. Yup, very unlikely... :-)
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