I am officially finished with my first semester's courses. I have posted a picture of my schedule which shows the classes that I will have for the Spring semester (til the end of the year). You should be able to see that the only new classes I have are Research Writing, and Fundamentals of Programming in "C". For those of you who don't know, "C" is a computer programming language. It is one of the many computer languages used to develop computer programs and is one of the most widely used. This "C" programming course sounds like it is going to be extremely easy. I already have prior programming experience with other languages, and I am sure that it will help me out in this class. These new classes don't start until January 12th (after vacation), but the first step is getting through the final exams that I have this week. Also, I have my new schedule posted where the old one used to be, on the right side of the blog.
I have both of my circuits exams tomorrow. I have the Digital Circuits exam @ 8am, and my Fundamentals of Circuits exam @ 3pm. I will be sure to post my thoughts on each exam after I have taken both of them. I will post how I feel that I did on each exam. I will do this for each exam except for math, or I will only post about my math exam if I feel that I did a great job on it...
I found out today that my final grade for Expository Writing is a 97. I am proud of myself for doing so well in 3 out of my 4 college courses. I have enjoyed the class quite a bit and I will probably be missing it soon enough. Well, I gotta get back to studying circuits...
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