Oh... crap.
Anyway, I have 4 of my 5 classes out of the way as far as exams go. I am officially done with Expository Writing, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits I, Fundamentals of Circuits I, and Freshmen Orientation. It is not surprising that the Freshmen Orientation 'exam' involved no work whatsoever. I didn't mind going to it because I had nothing better to do, and it was less than 2 hours long. I also liked how it was at 8am because I am now officially done for the day.
The last final exam that I have is tomorrow from 10am to 12pm. This is exam will be my toughest exam because it is for Intro. to Technical Math. If I did my math correctly (ironic?) I need to get at least a 56 in order to pass the course. The final exam counts as 25% of the final grade in the class. I am confident that I will do better than a 56 on the exam, but I am not going to let my guard down. I plan on revisiting all of the sections that we have completed in the book for this course. I am happy that my math exam starts at 10am instead of 8am. I wouldn't want to have to take math final at 8 o'clock in the morning. I hope that I do a great job, but I won't know the grades for any of my exams until I get back to the college in January.
Just in case I don't find the time to post from here until Christmas, I will try to post, be sure to have a great Christmas and a great holiday break! :-)
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