I was originally planning on posting some updates for my robot car, with pictures, but I didn't make any real progress with it today. I was only able to get 2 wires setup so that they can be connected to my computer chips. I didn't see any reason to post a picture when the changes that were made were minimal. Soldering the wires can be extremely annoying sometimes because the wires have to be soldered to this tiny metal pins. It is hard to solder the wires to these pins because you have to find a way to press the wire against the pin while you are soldering it without melting the plastic piece that the pins are inside of and without melting the insulation around the wires.
It is okay that I didn't manage to finish my robot car today. My professor told me that the lab room is always open for students to use. I am planning on making it down to the lab room during my free time tomorrow and possibly on Friday. I would really like to get this robot car complete before vacation since my solder iron at home has a screw missing. I will be sure to post about any updates like usual...
One last thing, the picture above is of a flashlight I got from the Vermont Tech Open House last summer. I am thinking about rewiring it so it is part of my robot car. It should look pretty damn cool. :-)
UPDATE: Forgot to mention that I received a 98 on my last essay! The assignment was to write a compare & contrast essay start-to-finish in a 2-hour Friday lab. I finished my essay after about 45 minutes to an hour and I received a 98 on it! The last essay that I received a 98 on was my response to the New Orleans documentary, "When The Levees Broke." These two essays are my highest graded essays this semester! I turned in my Example essay on Wednesday. I am hoping that it is graded in the 90's like all the other ones. :-)
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