Friday, November 21, 2008

Robot Car 100% Complete!!!

This is the first video that I have posted on my blog. I recorded this using my PlayStation Eye camera. The camera has awesome quality, and hopefully the quality isn't reduced too bad when it is uploaded. I do a 360 degree view twice and then I show you the very first test run! This video was made before I finished two sets of wires, but I still managed to make it work since the copper wires fit into their spots without having to be soldered to their pins.

I hope you like this video. I have two dials (known as potentiometers) that control each wheel and how long they will back up for each sensor that detects a collision. I need to fine tune the settings so that the car won't do what is almost a complete turn-around. I want it to be angled after it turns around so it won't ever go back and forth between two objects (like two walls in a hallway).

I have this blog open for comments also, so if you want to comment on any post on the blog then feel free to do so. I only ask that there are no negative/offensive comments left on the blog.

Well, Thanksgiving Break officially starts today. I think that I am going to start getting my stuff together to go home. I can't say whether or not I will post over break. If I find something to post about then I will do so...

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