Week five is almost over! I say it all the time, but the weeks definitely go by faster when you are in college. This year seems to be moving even faster than last year did. I am pretty sure it is because I am given more work to do.
Anyway, tomorrow I will be taking a quiz in Newton Mechanics (Physics). I found out earlier in the week that I am averaging somewhere around 85% for my current grade in that class. This is GREAT news. This means that if I keep this up throughout the semester, but also push a little bit harder, then I should be able to hit the 90 mark. Doing so will mean that I won't have to take the final exam for Physics. :D
The same kind of thing applies to my math course, but the chances of me getting the 85 that is needed for final exam exemption is a longshot. It would be nice... in fact, it would be absolutely amazing to not have to take a math final, but I know that I will have to.
I am going home for the weekend after my math class gets out tomorrow. My math class ends at 1:50 p.m., and I hope to head out shortly after that. I have already been home a couple of times this week because I had an old friend of mine spend the night at the college so that he could get a feel for what college courses are like. We have gone to school together from kindergarten to ninth grade, and that is when he dropped out of highschool to get his GED. Now I am gonna try and help him get into Vermont Tech. He hopes to be part of the Information Technology major because not only does it interest him, but it is a very light math load compared to the other majors. I am in the 5-year program (to make my first couple of years easier), but I have to take a total of ten different math courses while I am here. Information Technology only requires somewhere around three or four math courses total! My major also deals with the toughest math course offered at the college. It is a course so innocently named 'Applied Math,' but in reality it is like the Sirens from the Greek tales of Homer.
I have been spending plenty of time hanging out with friends this year. It is crazy how much stuff I have already learned this school year including a few things that I even learned about myself. This past week alone I have discovered that I *might* actually be a decent singer, and there is even a certain girl at the college that I *might* be interested in. ;)
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