The class that I am doing horribly in is Microcomputer Techniques, but I am not alone! This class has a long history of being waaaay tougher than it needs to be. The main reason why this course is incredibly challenging is because the professor is clearly incapable of doing his job. We are expected to build circuits and then write software which we can then program to our boards, but the professor's very own code rarely works even when he says it will. He rarely helps any out in the labs or lectures, he loves to bring his kids into labs and lectures, and he always shows up at least 5-10 minutes late to each lecture. He makes me question what the hell my family and I are paying for because he is not providing a quality education... hell... he isn't providing any kind of education at all beyond the whole "Hey, I am professor [insert his name here] and I am an asshole."
Well, today I had a meeting with the Acting Dean of Academic Affairs regarding my issues with said professor (and also the issues of others in the class), so I am hoping that things can turn around. The problem is that things need to turn around quickly. Next Monday is the very last day to withdraw from any class and simply receive a 'W' for a grade. This means that it does not affect your GPA, but withdrawing after this date will take whatever grade you left off with and calculate it with your GPA. I know that it is most likely in my best interest to withdraw from the course. The problem is that a "Full Time" student is considered to be a student who is taking at least 12 credit hours for the semester, and dropping Microcomputer Techniques will put me down to 11.
Well, time for other news! I have come up with a great idea for a floor event for my 2nd floor residents! This floor event will be taking place on the night of Halloween. I went out and bought about $45 worth of candy and misc. drinks to increase the odds that my residents will have a great time. We will also be watching a movie, but I am not actually allowed to say what movie we will be watching. I took a picture of the stuff, and you can see it below:
I also had an Object-Oriented Programming mid-term the first week back from our last vacation, and I am pretty sure that I will be finding out the results today when I go to my lecture. This Thursday I have my 2nd hourly exam in Physics II. The Physics II exam will be covering topics related to Wave Motion and Sound.
As an "overview of what's new" I would say that me basically failing Microcomputer Techniques is kinda crappy, but at the same time it should give me plenty more time to get other things sorted out. If I withdraw from the class then I will feel kinda funny about being here, and that is too bad, but I won't have classes on Mondays or Fridays, and then I will only have my Networks lab on Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays would be the only days that remain as they are now.
Well, that is it for now! Maybe with my new free time I can actually manage to start updating this blog some more. It has been a while since my last post, but time is really flying right by with how busy I am! :P