It is only Monday, but this week has been nothing but studying for final exams. Today I had my final exam for Work Energy & Conservation (Physics), and I think that I did well on it.
Tomorrow at 8 am I have my Calculus for Engineering final exam, and then at 3 pm I have my Perl Programming final. This means that I am going to have plenty of studying to do tonight, but then on Wednesday I don't have any exams scheduled. After Calculus and Perl Programming I don't have an exam until Thursday, and that final is for Electronics for Computer Engineers. I am thinking that I am going to do amazingly well on my Electronics final because I have had pretty good grades all semester. I think that my current grade in that class (as in, before the final) is an 84 or an 86, so this final probably won't alter my grade too much.
Out of all of my exams it is the one for Calculus that I am spending the most time studying for. I currently have a 78 in Calculus. That grade isn't too bad, but I hope to bring it up as much as I can with my final exam. I was only 7 points away from being exempt from the final in a class called Calculus for Engineering, so I am still happy with my current grade. The class is quite challenging, but I have really loved it. I love learning new things, and Calculus throws so many new things at me in each and every lecture, so I can't help but like it. My Calculus class was also taught by one of my favorite math professors here. Her name is Professor Sharpe, and she does an amazing job with teaching all the different math topics. I will eventually be taking her Applied Math course, and that happens to be the toughest math course offered at Vermont Tech. My other favorite math professor would be Professor LaCroix (pronounced la-croy). He also does a pretty damn good job of teaching math to people who are new to various concepts. :D
The photo at the top of this post was taken by our Resident Director for Old Dorm, Emma Schumann. Emma is a really cool person, and a lot of people look at her as not only being a friend, but also as being this cool mother figure to the students. She does a great job with making residents of Old Dorm feel right at home, and she was the one who organized the Old Dorm events like the barbecue and group photo that it pictured above. It is cool to have a photo of a lot of the residents of Old Dorm. There were 4 pictures taken. The one that I posted to this blog is the peaceful one because I didn't think I should post the one with people making different obscene gestures to the camera... as funny as that may be. :D
I am really looking forward to getting all of these exams out of the way so I can finally start my summer vacation. I have been trying to find a place to work for over the summer, but it looks like nobody is hiring. I have applied for Staples and Best Buy, but I plan on making a list of several other places, and then apply for those too.