My Roommate
Week 14 is in full swing, and it is the last week of classes for this semester. This week is expected to be a busy week as loads of assignments are expected to be turned in, course material is expected to be wrapped up, and studying begins for next week's finals. I am confident that I will do well on my finals. I plan on focusing most of my attention on my Technical Math exam, and then focusing my attention primarily on Newton Mechanics (physics). I have the majority of my exams towards the end of the week, so that means that I won't have to be on campus for the whole week. I plan on staying at home during the days that I don't have exams, so that I can relax and do my studying there. I like being at Vermont Tech., but nothing beats the comforts of home.
Everyone has been quite busy, and it is expected to pick-up as the week progresses. It will be nice though once exams are finally out of the way. After exam week we are given three weeks off for Christmas vacation. Definitely looking forward to it. We will be back on campus on January 10th to start our second semester. I plan on posting my new schedule possibly over break, but if I can't manage to do so over break then I will be sure to have it up shortly after getting back.
Other than exam-prep and getting assignments out of the way, there really isn't too much else going on this week. I am not complaining though. :P
The picture above is of my roommate, and you can see that there are some clothes hanging from the pipes on the ceiling. Him and his girlfriend had just finished their laundry, and the clothes are hanging to dry. I thought that it would be funny to show in a picture... the reason why? I don't have damn clue. :D