There have been signs posted around VTC about 'Judgment Day' that I have been wondering about. The signs tell you nothing because it is all meant to be a surprise. If I remember correctly, Judgment Day is going to take place on October 8, 2008.
During lunch everyone was handed a scavenger hunt book to be completed by Judgment Day. The top team will get $500, 2nd place will be $300, and two $100 gift cards will be randomly drawn for 2 non-winning team members.
The scavenger hunt is very interesting and kind of funny. Apparently on Judgment day we might see Rusty Dewees (Local Comedian), Tantoo Cardinal (Actress - Dances With Wolves), Jeff Danziger (cartoonist) and Marko the Magician. :-) Some of the funny/interesting things listed on the scavenger hunt are:
5. Got Milk! - "None of the pasteurized stuff. Prove that you milked it!"
13. Orange You Glad You Did It? - "Dress a team member up in orange jumpsuit, army boots and black tux, carrying a plastic grocery bag into a convenience store, approach counter slowly and ask cashier for change for a quarter."
15. Swim For It "Take a dip in one of VT's rivers, lakes, or ponds in October 2008"
31. Safe Sex "Safe sex is important, so create and market (60 seconds) the super safest condom ever made."
I am really looking forward to Judgement Day because it sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun. I will definately be going camera crazy. This is just a small portion of what it going on during Judgment Day.
Tomorrow night I have a meeting with the WVTC Radio club and after that I am going to go see the "High Ground" band to see how they play.